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EEG Digital ( 2 hrs Record) (Video) -Delhi

EEG Digital ( 2 hrs Record) (Video) -Delhi

1. Head to be washed . head should not be oily. 
2. Should not be empty stomach.  
3. Contiinue all regular medications
4. Pt not to move during study app 20 min . 
5. Sedation may be required for children or uncoperative pts. 
6. For effective oral sedation – keep child fasting, bring his favorite meal with u. When child is hungry & tired because of crying, he gets full meal & oral sedative like Syrup Pedichloryl / Phenargan etc -  he is likely to go to sleep. This is effective with younger children. 
7. Uncommonly  IV sedation may be advised by your dr. We need 5 hrs fasting, normal CBC, LFT, KFT etc for this .There should be no routine cough & cold  / nasal blockage. Even then patient to be evaluated by our anesthetist before IV sedation. Patient to be kept nil orally after IV sedation as advised by anesthetist.
8. For Sleep deprived EEG -  keep pt awake as much awake as possible before EEG. Sleep for 3-4 hours in first half of night & keep awake thereafter eg watching TV , reading talking etc. 

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    Reports Available: 1 Day

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